The Future of Coeliac-UK
I for one would not miss the Coeliac UK charity.
I go my own way as I do in many things, which I find out is often best. Certainly for me. I'm afraid that charities like Coeliac UK are being usurped by the Internet, which gives you the information you want at your fingertips.
The lot of coeliacs will not be improved until the NHS realises that the one in hundred of the population who have coeliac disease are a severe economic drain. Not because of the disease they have, but because of all the drugs and treatments that are given to coeliacs because of misdiagnosis.
We live in a time of massive change in the way we handle and access information. Most of it will be free. Charities that go closed and charge their members for their services will cease to exist.
It's a very hard world out there.
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