James Miller - Coeliac Diary


Saturday, October 20, 2007

Coeliac UK Membership Fees


Coeliac UK membership fees are being raised.

These are not generally a problem for us on our gluten free list on Yahoo. If we don’t like them, we’ve got the Internet to get the advice we want. We are also pretty articulate and as others have said we get a lot of our answers from this group.

This tale was told to me by a barrister.

He had a client in his late 50s, who was coeliac and going through a divorce. Quite frankly, once they’d split the house and what little they had, he could just about buy a flat, but had nothing left for any extras. He was also computer illiterate, so he couldn’t turn to the Internet.

So not only was he now alone, miserable and broke, he could not really afford to get any extra information about his medical problems. Luckily his son is very much a brick and helps his father.

I believe that this is a variant of a very common tale.

Coeliac UK is useless to anybody like this.



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