James Miller - Coeliac Diary


Friday, August 01, 2003

A Letter From Addenbrooke's


I got a letter today from Addenbrooke's.

It said :-

"It is important that you do not cut out gluten from your diet until this diagnosis has been confirmed."

My first reaction was to say 'Stuff it!'. My second was is it ethical.

As it's my body, I just sent an E-Mail to the hospital, saying :-

"I have already switched to a gluten free diet and feel much better for it."

The latter is not so difficult for me, as I haven’t eaten cakes or puddings for something like 30 years.

So all I have done is cut out bread, dropped the odd bottle of Adnams and substituted Crunchies for Dairy Milk.

The reply was of the original vein :-

"You will need to carry on with gluten in the diet until you have an endoscopy done."

I'll accept that, but as I've not been given an appointment and may have to wait some time, I'd prefer to be well rather than not-so-well.

Despite what I said yesterday, I did cook lunch!

You always have to do something more positive as the simple ham sandwich is out!

So I reverted to egg and bacon! Cooked of course with olive oil! You can even add a tin of Heinz beans and still be 'gluten-free'. No fried-bread though!


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